Several beaches dotted Camiguin Island. These can be found in Agohay, Magsaysay Island, and Cebua-an. Camiguin is also the home of the spectacular 250 feet Katibawasan Falls and the Tuasan Falls.

Other places of interest are the 1,250 meter high Mount Hibok Hibok, picturesque old houses, underwater sunken cemetery marked by a huge cross installed in 1982, Sto. Rosario church, ruins of San Roque church in Barangay Bonbon, and many more….
Believed to be one of the Philippines's most beautiful islands, Camiguin has been identified by the Department of Tourism as one of the top 25 tourist destinations in the Philippines, and No. 7 diving spot in the world. No wonder it was featured in numerous tourist materials promoting the Philippines.
Visit Camiguin and experience her mystical charm and untouched beauty
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